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Chemical Safety MSDS Software and Consultancy from Chemsoft Ltd

The ChemSoft EH&S Compliance software system is a market leading software package designed to simplify the process of hazard communication.

ChemSoft EH&S has been proved to significantly reduce the time and effort required to fulfil regulatory requirements when creating and maintaining Safety Data Sheets, Labels,
Transport Emergency Cards and Shipping Documents. ChemSoft eases the burden on companies to constantly monitor changes to legislation as upgrades are made available to update the software.

Our modular approach to software design enables our customers to build a system around their differing business needs. The ChemSoft Classification modules form the core of any configured system containing the appropriate regulatory databases and classification algorithms. Each of the modules integrate seamlessly with the core module(s) to provide a flexible software solution. Additional modules can be added when your requirements change.

Global Compliance
ChemSoft software systems are Unicode based potentially allowing us to work with most global languages including those with Asian or Cyrillic scripts. ChemSoft Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) offer far more than a simple language translation by providing information and utilities to incorporate local legislation for EU countries.

Regulatory Compliance
We are focussed on working to ensure that our customers have access to information relating to the latest legislation. Our continuous development programme covers both regulatory and software upgrades which are available to download from the ChemSoft support centre along with guides and, where possible, copies of the applicable regulations.

Customer Support
All ChemSoft software systems are supplied with installation and training to assist in the efficient and effective implementation of your new software solution. We offer tiered support levels to suit specific client needs and our qualified support team are available to answer your queries whether you have a question relating to chemical regulatory compliance relating to the software.

The ChemSoft team are regulatory experts in the Chemical Industry offering a wide range of consultancy, training and software solutions to assist in solving problems in the environmental, health and safety fields.

At ChemSoft we believe the only path to achieving regulatory compliance is to provide a combination of accurate, flexible and reliable software and training options allied with a flexible system of customer support that can be configured to meet individual needs.

The ChemSoft EH&S system enables the user to produce an accurate regulatory interpretation which can be updated or amended when legislation changes are implemented in the software. Our continuous development programme is focused on making software upgrades available to our customers when necessary.

With the ChemSoft EH&S sytem, you choose only the modules you need. ChemSoft EH&S can be potentially be run as a standalone desktop application or run across a local-area network (LAN) or global/corporate wide-area (WAN) network.

We are recognised as market leaders in supplying regulatory compliance systems. We maintain a proven track record in delivering solutions that fully meet the needs of our customers by utilising our specialist knowledge, expert skills and team of dedicated professionals.

We pride ourselves on providing an excellent level of customer support with all ChemSoft software systems, consultancy and training. Our highly skilled team of experts are available to provide extensive technical and regulatory support together with professional software training at the time of installation so that you can maximise the software's capabilities.

The Benefits
Any company with a requirement to produce supply or hazard documentation will benefit from our indepth knowledge. ChemSoft EH&S is a market leader because it:

Helps cut costs

Provides piece of mind

Is a convenient in-house Regulatory Compliance Solution

Addresses legislation covering the Supply, Transport and labelling of hazardous and non-hazardous substances and preparations

Reduces duplication of data entry, improving employee productivity and maintaining data integrity

Is a Unicode based system allowing document translation in multiple global languages including those with Asian or Cyrillic scripts

Offers a flexible system allowing for user configurations

Stores documents as industry standard .pdf in addition to the systems own document formats

Maintains customer records to keep a history of the SDSs that have been sent

Provides ongoing support and maintenance to keep the system in line with the latest regulations

Provides high quality regulatory and system support



The REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 entered into force on 1 June 2007.

ChemSoft Safety Data Sheets comply with Annex II of REACH (Regulation 453/2010).


CLP is Regulation EC 1272/2008 on the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures. This Regulation brings previous EU legislation in line with the GHS (Globally Harmonised System).

ChemSoft Classification modules provide accurate classification of substances and mixtures using the EU and GHS Classification systems.

MSDS compliance for the US

In addition to our market leading EU compliance software ChemSoft EH&S offers software modules to provide fully compliant MSDS’s for the United States.

MSDS’s are produced in the ANSI format and contain all the required inventories such as TSCA, CalProp65, SARA titles and state specific RTK’s.

Our classification modules enable users  to produce data to meet the regulatory requirements of both substances and preparations to produce a fully compliant, complete Safety Data Sheet (SDSs) and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDSs).

For more information on how your company can achieve truly global compliance with the ChemSoft EH&S Software please call

+44 (0) 1244 329660 and ask to speak to one of our regulatory specialists.